I am who I am.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
 I ♥ myself ♥ I AM WHO I AM.♥ I do what makes♥ ME happy♥ I live for ME and NOT YOU♥ YOU may not agree♥ with ME...♥ but I'm not seeking for♥ YOUR approval♥ I'm happy with♥ all that I am♥
♥What confuse ME is that, why are YOU so 'concern' about ME... ♥FYI, I'm not angry, and definitely not. ♥So what if I act in any manners, does that even concern YOU? ♥Do I make YOU lose face, money or whatever? ♥We aren't related in anyway, so why are YOU concerned?
Just to get this clear, I AREN'T ANGRY, I was just puzzled that's all...♥ If YOUR aim is to get ME angry, I am SO SORRY ♥ I wouldn't get upset by this sort of minor stuff ♥ Getting angry over a person is silly,♥ they won't feel anything, but you are the one who is unhappy(upset)♥
Good Luck with your aim!♥ I am off to read M5/LIAR 's blog~♥ Oh! Who is M5/LIAR? ♥ Another story for another time haha!~♥
GRRRR!!! FORGOT TO UPDATE BLOG EVERYDAY!~~~~♥ NVM, maybe I should learn from them...♥ Write a novel on your blog ~♥ So that can remind yourself to update blog~♥ See I so clever~♥
Erm.. wait.. what is with the '♥' again? ♥ haha ♥ okay... ♥ It is fun! ♥ Writing with a heart behind ♥ haha ♥ okay.. ♥ fine... ♥ BYE! ♥
I am who I am.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
 I ♥ myself ♥ I AM WHO I AM.♥ I do what makes♥ ME happy♥ I live for ME and NOT YOU♥ YOU may not agree♥ with ME...♥ but I'm not seeking for♥ YOUR approval♥ I'm happy with♥ all that I am♥
♥What confuse ME is that, why are YOU so 'concern' about ME... ♥FYI, I'm not angry, and definitely not. ♥So what if I act in any manners, does that even concern YOU? ♥Do I make YOU lose face, money or whatever? ♥We aren't related in anyway, so why are YOU concerned?
Just to get this clear, I AREN'T ANGRY, I was just puzzled that's all...♥ If YOUR aim is to get ME angry, I am SO SORRY ♥ I wouldn't get upset by this sort of minor stuff ♥ Getting angry over a person is silly,♥ they won't feel anything, but you are the one who is unhappy(upset)♥
Good Luck with your aim!♥ I am off to read M5/LIAR 's blog~♥ Oh! Who is M5/LIAR? ♥ Another story for another time haha!~♥
GRRRR!!! FORGOT TO UPDATE BLOG EVERYDAY!~~~~♥ NVM, maybe I should learn from them...♥ Write a novel on your blog ~♥ So that can remind yourself to update blog~♥ See I so clever~♥
Erm.. wait.. what is with the '♥' again? ♥ haha ♥ okay... ♥ It is fun! ♥ Writing with a heart behind ♥ haha ♥ okay.. ♥ fine... ♥ BYE! ♥
This fellow is definitely 100% boy.
"After all, justice in this world is just a bunch of principles made by those with power to suit themselves.
No one really thinks of others, you will lose everything if you can't keep up.
Only two kinds of people exist in this world,
those who steal and those who are stolen from."
A friend would lend you an umbrella in the rain, but a true friend would take yours & scream "RUN, B*TCH, RUN!!"
I will be the one stealing your umbrella =D
| `1D 2OO9 | Anqelica | Aurelia |
| Dawn | Jin Jye FC | Jia Jun |
| Khalisah | Marin | Melissa |
| Raphael | Sarah | Shawn |
| Shi Quan | Sze Min | Victoria |
| Wei Chieh | Wei Ling | Yvonne |
| `6H 2OO8 | Anqela | Ayumi |
| Eileen | Hui Linq | Jasmine |
| Mei Qi | Pei Luan | Poh Gek |
| Ru Jia | Shu Yu | Uncke |
| Wen Xin | Xiao Linq |Xin Ni |
| Yumay | Yinq Yinq | Yvonne |
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Lady Gaga
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Wash your hand too
Morons out there
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