
"The prey is deceived with sweet words and dragged into darkness. To not notice the Demon's concealed power...Skillfully. Sweetly. Quietly"
Yes, my lord.

"Lord to isshi de tsukure~ tsukure~ tsukure~
Lord to isshi de tsukure~ My Fair Lady~
My heart had hardened and my tears were dried,
just cut my strings and set me free...

"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quiz tagged by Hui Ling .. dunnoe why am i doing it =.=.... too boliao? LOL

All of the 14 person need do this quiz , unless (s)he does'nt have a blog .
Write the names of 14 people you can think off the top of your head , then answer the question .

1. Jasmine
2. Poker~~
3. Melissa Lim
4. Fion

5. Xin Ni
6. Stacy

7. Cherie Chan
8. Cherie Tan

9. Lady Gaga? LOL
10. Khalisah
11. Cherin
12. Dawn
13. Angelica
14. Ying Ying =DD

01.How did you meet 7? -Cherie Chan
bleh =p..forgotten PSPS.. sorry lah =X

02. What will you do if you & 13 never met? -Angelica
hmm..good question..NEXT~

03. What will you do if 1 & 12 date? -Jasmine&Dawn
That will be...wow...a over optimist VS over pessimist... =.=..

04. Have you ever seen 14 cry? -Ying Ying

erm..let me think.......................~~

*still thinking in process*

I think I saw her crying when she is still a baby LOL!!

05. Would 4 & 11 be a good couple? . -
Who knows? maybe..

06. Do you think 11 is attractive? -Cherin


07. What's 2's favourite color? -Poker

Let see... red&black!! SAME AS ME !!! YIPEE~~~~

08. What was the last time you talk to 9? -Lady Gaga

In my dream.. LMAO!!

09. What language does 8 speaks? -Cherin Tan

Erm.. she speak tamil... NOT! =D figure it out yourself =.=..

10. Who is 13 going out with? -
Aurelia&Faradina LOL!

11. What grade is 12 in? -Dawn

Sec 1 duhhs..

12. Would you ever date 10? -Khalisah

If he is a
Capricorn or Aquarian/Geminian...PROVIDED that it is a HE
*Note: she is a libra.. GET IT JASMINE?

13. Where does 5 live? -
Xin Ni
On Earth? DUHHS! Not far away from my house..

14. What's the best thing about 3? -Melissa Lim

Nothing LOL!! Let me see.....

nvm forget it ~

15. What would you want to tell 10? -
oh.. I wanted to ask her if she wan to mahu makan picang LOL..
for those who don't get it.. picang is...........................a type of fruit.. YEA!! a type of fruit~

16. Whats the best thing about 8? -
Cherie Tan
the fact that she can speak Tamil.. NOT~ Her.....hair??
(on her head.. DUN THINK SICK.. SICKO~~)

17. Have you ever kissed 5? -
Xin Ni
You mean

Yuppie ~

18. Whats the best memory of you with 7? -
Cherie Chan
When we were quarrelling?..it is more interesting quarrelling with her than those boring freaks who thought that I was seriously =.=..

19. When was the last time you saw 6? -
Yesterday?I went to her house.

20.How are 12 & 14 different? -Dawn & Ying Ying
One is younger, other is ....
One is prettier, other is .....
One is REASONABLE,other is....
One is nicer,other is....
One is 'purer' (in terms of mind),other is #%^@#%&%
One is quite ok,other is VERY BIMBOO and obsessed in CUTE guys
One is ok,other is completely CRAZY about Lady Gaga (hmm.. if compare with me.. she is a peanut =D)

the list is getting too long~

21. Is 6 pretty? -Stacy

duhhs.. you can ask any guys and they will only give you one response..... LOL

22. How did you meet 5? -Xin Ni
Kindergarten.. >.<"... wait.. I think is before.. not sure

23. Is 1 your best friend? -Jasmine

she make me feel uncomfortable around librian too...
all her fault.. blame on her =p

24. Do you hate 12? -Dawn
That obvious... it is a...

25. Have you seen 4 last month? -Fion
Yea? remember last month was June? =.=...

26. What was the last thing you said to 3? -Melissa Lim

Bye bye? eh?

27. Have you been to 5 house? -Xin Ni
Obviously...We know each other for how long wor..

28. When's the next time you going to see 10? -Khalisah
In school..?~

29. Are you close to 13? -Angelica

hmm..quite you may say..

30. Have you ever been to a movie with 4 before? -Fion
duhhs..the last movie we saw is transformer lol..

31. Have you ever been into a trouble with 8? -Cherie Tan
There is a lists.. do you want to hear the minor ones or the more serious ones?

32. Would you give 2 a hug? -Poker
WTH?... ... .. .. .. ...NICE QUESTION~ =.=...
If you are saying about the poker cards.. i hug them everyday..
If you are saying about the Poker Chen.. hmm..

33. When have you lied to 3? -Melissa Lim
To be frank, I lied to almost all the people in the list above..
**Take note~ALMOST not ALL

34. Is 1 good with Socializing? -Jasmine
of course not.. if she is.. she won't be on my blacklist =p~

35. Do you know secrets about 9? -Lady Gaga
yea right.. I know that she is a bi + hermaphrodite which many of the readers here don't know.. does that count? XD

36. Describe the relationship between 12 & 14? -Dawn & Ying Ying
Complete Strangers

37. Best thing about your friendship with 9. -Lady Gaga
Nothing.. friendship?are you mocking me? LOL

38. Whats the worst thing about 6? -Stacy
shh.. that is a secret... SHE LIKE.........
ok.. she don't like Asher.. believe?

39. Have you ever had a crush on 12? -Dawn
Hell not =.=...

40. Does 14 has a stead? -Ying Ying
maybe, maybe not.. she is so pretty confirm got alot of ppl wan to chase her la.. right? =D

41. Have you ever wanted to punch 1's face? -Jasmine

OMG! you can read my mind? =DIf you give me a chance to... I will like to kill her myself~~ =ppppp

42. Has 2 met your mother? -Poker
Yes.. it was even held by my mother.. you're right!! its the cards!

43. How did you get to meet 3? -Melissa Lim
erm...can't remember.. i think it is during a talk?

44. Did you ever physically hurt 2? -Poker
eh..i am quite gulity..YEA! i tore it LOL

45. Do you live close to 7? -Cherie Chan
She is in Malaysia and I am in Singapore.. does that count near? YES!

46. Whats 8 favourite food? -Cherie Tan
Lime water.. she drank the lime water which was tested for carbon dioxide and still said that it was good =.=..

47. What kind of cars do 1 has? -Jasmine
Toy cars? duhhs

48. Have you travelled anywhere with 9 before? -Lady Gaga

49. If you give 14 a $100, what will (s)he spend it on? -Ying Ying
Hire someone to kill hui xin! YES! =D