
"The prey is deceived with sweet words and dragged into darkness. To not notice the Demon's concealed power...Skillfully. Sweetly. Quietly"
Yes, my lord.

"Lord to isshi de tsukure~ tsukure~ tsukure~
Lord to isshi de tsukure~ My Fair Lady~
My heart had hardened and my tears were dried,
just cut my strings and set me free...

"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
uhhhhhhhs...hii =D.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

hmm..decided to update my pathetic blog T.T.... cuz it is really PATHETIC!!!!!! this blog is *ahem* almost 1 yr old.. and this is onli the 98th post!!!!!!!!! ._.''...

actually i got tired of reading manga o.o...cuz it is about the same as the anime just that some details are diff....waiting for ep 15 of fairy tail now T.T... 8 more days ... haiiz...

btw,my mother must have thought that i'm mad...cuz when i was reading ft just now, i was giggling all the way and LOL-ing every 5 mins interval.. wakakakakakka..

hmmm... ok, bye.

c'mon..who bother to read this anyway?.
Saturday, January 9, 2010

hiiii!! i'm back =D (not for long ._.)... i'm using for my desktop cuz i wanted to watch the flash animation or whatever thingy.. ._.''... so short still call us to watch ._.''...dun feel like using computer... i dunnoe why O.O''... maybe becuz of radiation? ha.. idk..


history teacher is funny,wei chei keep saying nothing, nicholas pretended to fall off the chair which was damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn FUNNEH =.=...
maths was SUPER ULTRAAAAAAAAA BORING.. mr kang was like repeating the SAME thing over and over and over and over and over and over again ._..... i have nothing better to do so i copy one of the maths worksheet's content into the maths journal.. acting guai cuz i scare later he saw me doodling or doing other subject's stuff in this class =D

english was fast.. as in 1 period =.=..

science? the same old thing

higher chinese is ok.. just that WE CANT CHANGE OUR FREAKING GROUP MEMBERS!... that means that LMK is still in my group =.=''...

we did nothing much..
PT>Muster parade ...

BTW, I'M A LANCE CORPORAL NOW!!! WAKAKAKAKAKA... i didn't expect myself for passing the promo test.. =.=.. i commanded until ....veri suckish lor.. but haha =D i passed~~
anyways, we got our total defence and road safety badge too =D more stuff on my uniform~ =DD


CCA recruitment..

damn damn damn thirsty sia... but in the end onli seduced 11 girls.... half of them are ''forced'' lol...

____ training...
as usual. everyone was like damn sleepy o.o..(girls team, i dunnoe and dun care about the boys team) and lay flat on the grass o.o... ....

oh yea.. who knows how to do the art story thingy???!!!!