
"The prey is deceived with sweet words and dragged into darkness. To not notice the Demon's concealed power...Skillfully. Sweetly. Quietly"
Yes, my lord.

"Lord to isshi de tsukure~ tsukure~ tsukure~
Lord to isshi de tsukure~ My Fair Lady~
My heart had hardened and my tears were dried,
just cut my strings and set me free...

"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, July 31, 2009

a freaking long post becoz i am way too bored now...


mother tongue: nothing special.. watch movie+do a worksheet on it

Literature: funny actually... raphael needed to cut his hair in the toilet ... i didn't finish the handout we are supposed to do... (coz i cannot find the pages at that freaking Charlotte's web), den when mr soh wanted to so-call check, he was like frowning.. damn funny la.. den i just took cherin's paper and write on the board... her answer was like from the book only... one whole passage... most of them is crap... ._.


CE: hmm... do portfolio? ms erma asked me how i made the font so nice den i told her i go textspace.net lol... (anyway, dawn copy me go glitter-graphics den textspace... NOT ME HOR ._.)

English: drama infusion actually.. play lot of games... LUCKILY NOT THAT BORING TEACHER.. =D quite fun thou..

oh yea... after school went playground again with dawn..the doodling was still there~

Mathematics: i can't remember..


Mother Tongue: do about fatherly love.. lol.. slacking actually.. keep talking and joking around with angelica and jojo...

Literature: went through another handout~

PE: hmm.. do nothing actually... play around~ coz reg. 41-21 do the run =D


Mathematics: Confusing... but still get it... all the compass fault la... coz i keep borrowing from khalisah (cherin was too slow) becoz i dun hav wooden pencil... ._. den keep lagging behind...


MS LEE NEVER COME AGAIN!!! WOOHOO~~ den that male teacher (forgot name) who relieved us for last lesson relief us again for the 1st period... spent most of the time talking to khalisah,dawn,sunita and cherin they all...

2nd period.. M(r)s ''Cherin" [same pronunciation] came again~~ den we play 7-up... fun lor.. but we did quite slowly because scare wat... khalisah and cherin kana the most... i kana 1 time but dawn and sunita pro la..

khalisah keep choosing dare ..den cherin keep choosing truth for the 1st 2-3 times... den we told her that it must be dare.. in the end ,we dare her to go to victoria and say ''i love you''... but she go tell victoria it is a dare (when it is so obvious!!) so it dun count la.. den we told her to do again la but change to guy... den she not willing lor zz den she quit the game =.="... we continue ourselves..

i tio 1 time becoz it is like 1*5 ... i choose dare coz truth not fun one.. so they dare me to say 'i love you, keith'' (keith was just in front of us.. but he never heard us) den i just say lor.. it is so obvious that it is a dare... normal people won't go 'i love you' when there is so many ppl around.. his reaction was smiling den saying something like 'i know blah blah blah love blah' cannot hear properly...

After school~

eat until 1.05 something den go find khalisah.. she change so slow.. only change pe ._. we keep waiting for her until about 1.20++ ... den take cab go dawn playground there... ( her house is like 10-20 min walk away)... KHALISAH FOUND MY POEM !! AND CANCEL HER NAME!! nvm.. next time i also can write...it is something like.. khalisah and wen xuan siting on a tree... *-*-*-*-I-N-G... den dawn wrote ''khalisah+wen xuan= mun keong'' LOL! it was a joke ..duhhs.. anyway... there was also some i mean alot of vandalising about a big skull head...den we drew an arrow pointing at it and label it as

UP (ugly person [khalisah last time dunnoe when say UP blah blah])
the flirt
Dum Dum (her superb nick)

we wrote it last time... anyway.. if anyone who came to the playground will probably more or less noe who is dawn's crush... coz i wrote it for her there... =DD