"The prey is deceived with sweet words and dragged into darkness. To not notice the Demon's concealed power...Skillfully. Sweetly. Quietly"
Yes, my lord.
"Lord to isshi de tsukure~ tsukure~ tsukure~
Lord to isshi de tsukure~ My Fair Lady~"
My heart had hardened and my tears were dried,
just cut my strings and set me free...
"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."
"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Nothing to say actually... Don't really feel like blogging or saying anything but feel that if I don't update, my blog will going to be seriously dead lol...
Anyway.. jy Andost for IBM ,PJ and Andost for FISM (make Taiwan proud! =D)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I won't be mentioning the small stuffs in between =D
Day 1 (7.30am reached school-11.45pm lights off)
PT>>Drills>>Lunch>>Lecture>>Dinner&Bathe time>>Camp craft>>Light off
Day 2 (6.30am fall in-2.45am lights off)
PT>>Breakfast>>Camp craft (for girls)/Drills(for guys)>>Lunch>>Drills>>Dinner&Bathe time>>Camp fire>>Stories telling (Ghost stories btw)>>Night walk Day 3 ( 6.30am fall in-11.30pm dismiss)
The night walk is ok la.. Walk with a Sec 2 (in pairs)..Every night walk (according to my sec 2 partner), every girls must be accompany by a male..(because of something la.. he didn't had the chance to talk me about the stories lol)..
Hamizah that pairs damn slow.. We keep waiting for them.. all the thrills gone liao coz we know where scary at the checkpoint there...there is one point where we four do some checkpoints together but the IC separated us ...No picture sorry.. We surrendered all the phones and torchlights too..
the first one for the night walk is damn funny.. .. i remembered that we walk through a narrow footpath la.. no lights there.. (we dun have any torchelights so it is very dark)then i walk behind ..Something is like on the floor la but we didn't really care then he stepped on it.. then suddenly it jump and shouted.. LOL.. DAMN FUNNY LA.. tried very hard to suppress the laughter that time, I managed to catch a glimpse of the seniors only.. so dunnoe which one =.=".. we had to move on and cannot look back..(btw, he is suppose to scare us by shouting lol)
the scariest for me is the famous and lengendary L-shaped toilet la..because almost all the stories about the school is revolving around it...the 2 seniors at the checkpoint told us more stories about it somemore zzz.. PURPOSELY ONE LA..We had to take the lightstick very close to the toilet..we had to find the clues (papers around it) which had numbers on it which is the answer for the lock..
Here is the picture of the L shaped toilet..(in the day la of course =.=..), I found it on a blog of an unknown senior
Now I am gonna share about this toilet, known popularly as the L Shaped Toilet. This female toilet's interior is shaped exactly like a L Shape. It's location gives it the creepiness and the vandalism on the mirror make it looks like a haunted toilet in the night. They say that when you knock on this door's toilet, you'll hear someone knocking back. Also, this toilet is normally locked. No one knows why. --Anonymous
bye my bed.. bye my pillow bye my blanket bye my room.. bye my mirror.. bye my hairdryer.. bye my brush.. bye my computer.. bye my laptops.. bye my bathroom.. bye my phone bye my tv..
bye everyone...i am going away from home.. bye my sweetie bed.. T.T.. MY BED MY BED! MY COMPUTER AND LAPTOPS.... bye my pillow T.T..
22/6 - 24/6.. the days in hell..
Keep this in mind...
Friday, June 19, 2009
O.o.. Posted 2 times today..♥ but this seriously reminds me of Sarah.. ♥ It looks like her handwriting ♥ haha.. bye~ ♥
Paparazzi lyrics.
We are the crowd,♥ We're c-coming out♥ Got my flash on it's true♥ Need that picture of you ♥ It's so magical♥ We'd be so fantastical♥
Leather and jeans a watch on my wrist, ♥ Not sure what it means,♥ But this photo of us ♥ It don't have a price♥ Ready for those flashing lights,♥ Cause you know that baby i ♥
Im your biggest fan ♥ I'll follow you until you love me♥ Papa-paparazzi,♥ Baby there's no other superstar♥ You know that i'll be your ♥ Papa-paparazzi♥
Promise i'll be kind,♥ But i won't stop until that boy is mine♥ Baby you'll be famous ♥ Chase you down until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
I'll be your girl ♥ Backstage at your show, ♥ Velvet ropes and guitars, ♥ Yeah cause you'll know ♥ I'm staring between the sets ♥ Eyeliner and cigarettes ♥
Shadow is burnt ♥ Yellow dance and return ♥ My lashes are dry ♥ But with teardrops I cry ♥ It don't have a price ♥ Loving you is cherry pie ♥ 'Cause you know that baby I ♥
Im your biggest fan ♥ I'll follow you until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi, ♥ Baby there's no other superstar ♥ You know that i'll be your ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
Promise i'll be kind, ♥ But i won't stop until that boy is mine ♥ Baby you'll be famous ♥ Chase you down until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
Real good ♥ We dance in the studio ♥ Snap, snapped ♥ That sssss on the radio ♥
Don't stop boy, rewind ♥ We'll blast it but we'll still have fun! ♥
Im your biggest fan ♥ I'll follow you until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi, ♥ Baby there's no other superstar ♥ You know that i'll be your ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
Promise i'll be kind, ♥ But i won't stop until that boy is mine ♥ Baby you'll be famous ♥ Chase you down until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
Why am I writing the lyrics eh? ♥ BECAUSE, I AM DAMN FREAKING BORED! ♥ Next time it will be 'Beautiful Dirty Rich' or♥ 'Lovegames'! Cheers~♥ M5 yesterday aired in Taiwan BUT ♥ STILL HAVEN'T UPLOADED TO INTERNET YET T.T...♥ *Sigh*...I want to watch, WANT TO WATCH! ♥ What/Who is M5? Don't tell you =p ♥
It is another story for another time ♥ haha ♥ okay.. ♥ fine.. ♥ bye! ♥
I am who I am.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I ♥ myself ♥ I AM WHO I AM.♥ I do what makes♥ ME happy♥ I live for ME and NOT YOU♥ YOU may not agree♥ with ME...♥ but I'm not seeking for♥ YOUR approval♥ I'm happy with♥ all that I am♥
♥What confuse ME is that, why are YOU so 'concern' about ME... ♥FYI, I'm not angry, and definitely not. ♥So what if I act in any manners, does that even concern YOU? ♥Do I make YOU lose face, money or whatever? ♥We aren't related in anyway, so why are YOU concerned?
Just to get this clear, I AREN'T ANGRY, I was just puzzled that's all...♥ If YOUR aim is to get ME angry, I am SO SORRY ♥ I wouldn't get upset by this sort of minor stuff ♥ Getting angry over a person is silly,♥ they won't feel anything, but you are the one who is unhappy(upset)♥
Good Luck with your aim!♥ I am off to read M5/LIAR 's blog~♥ Oh! Who is M5/LIAR? ♥ Another story for another time haha!~♥
GRRRR!!! FORGOT TO UPDATE BLOG EVERYDAY!~~~~♥ NVM, maybe I should learn from them...♥ Write a novel on your blog ~♥ So that can remind yourself to update blog~♥ See I so clever~♥
Erm.. wait.. what is with the '♥' again? ♥ haha ♥ okay... ♥ It is fun! ♥ Writing with a heart behind ♥ haha ♥ okay.. ♥ fine... ♥ BYE! ♥
Road Safety Training.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
chaii... victoria and jasmine were like telling me to update, so i update liaolor.. happy? =D
today road safety training was like .... shiterm... it was SO DAMN BORED!!...that guy was like keep talking ... talking... talking... AND TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... then Victoria and me gone mad D: Victoria was asking me.. what is boredom? (something like that o.O) I said that boredom is when you are in a room with 4 walls and you have nothing to do except eating yourself or banging your head against the wall... then she bite her fingers~
here is the video~~~
lalalala~ and we had the test... THE TEST IS LIKE................... SO DAMN EASY =.=.. EVEN IF I NEVER LISTEN TO THE LECTURE ALSO CAN 10/10..
I pity Benjamin luhhs... the last NP he didn't come so he didn't get the letter so he didn't come today too... HE WILL ALWAYS REMAIN A CADET LOL!! evil me =D MUHAHAHAHA
Lady Gaga True sex?.
Friday, June 12, 2009
I was lmao-ing while watching this video... STOP MY PLAYLIST NOW!! the slow version of 'just dance' and the pictures there don't proof anything at all.. I was laughing so much that I can die from laughter ,LOL...
*calm down*
Here is the real stuff I wanted to say today.
I found this from a web... 'Proof that Lady Gaga isn't a man' or had a sex change. There has been many rumors that Lady Gaga is a man who cross-dress and rumors about lady Gaga having a sex change.. like the one in the video above.. So, what does this picture means? see the arrow? saw the string? yup, it is the string of a tampon ..and it suggest that she has a menstrual flow.. so.. she is a she..
I found it on internet again =D .. it says that the lump.. you see... (btw, what an ugly pose and make-up =.=...) is a... p-e-n-i-s... yup.. a dick.. thats what they said.. but it seemed more like a sanitary pads to me.. For those who really think that it is a d-i-c-k.. go watch poker face MV.. she is wearing tight clothes but there isn't any lumps at all..
Lady Gaga.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
STOP MY PLAYLIST NOW! cool video! really cool! =D I like the idea having lady gaga face on the money =D It is more like a work of art.. ^^
Xin Ni.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
heh... as you see, these are Xin Ni's presents =D I love the bookmark!! =D I wanted to buy it last time but Xin Ni was unwilling to go to Little India to buy it again .. ( she had one ).. and btw, what is with the key chains? why give me 2 of them? 1 is for guys and the other is for girls =.=.. are you trying to imply something? =D
Best reunion.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Mei Qi
Xin Ni
Hui Ling
Poh Gek
Wen Xin
Jasmine... my enemy forever =D
Basically.. everyone who came? haha At first, my mood is quite bad la... COZ... I 8.58 AM WAKE UP SIA...KILL ME LA.. Then,me,Xin Ni and Hui Ling went to boon keng MRT together... den huiling help me top up =D We was abit.. ABIT late la (about 2 min or more, LOL) den i called jasmine.. who is the easiest to cheat =D (btw,we hid behind a fat pillar XD) M=duhhs.. ME LA.. J=that idiot , my enemy JASMINE
M: "oi jasmine, Xin Ni, Hui Ling and I not coming liao hor... " J: "?? why?" M: "*chuckle* because...WHEN WE WERE HERE , WE SAW YOUR STUPID FACE *chuckle again* DEN WE DON'T WANT TO GO LIAO!" Xin Ni and Mei Qi were laughing too o.o.. J: "really anot??????" then a train is approaching got some sort of announcement so I quickly hang the phone =D
I told Xin Ni to go to Jasmine they all there haha.. it was damn damn damn funny!! We went to the foodcourt first.. coz Xin Ni keep complaining ... O.O".... (BUT...11 something leh.. still full lor..) I am the 1st to finish so I boliao go and mix the chicken soup with green tea.. and many unknown ingredient.. den Xin Ni wanted to add the watermelon skin but the bowl toppled and dripped onto poh gek foot LOL!! Hui Ling, me and pohgek go to the toilet la.. den she washed her shoe (her shoe is waterproof btw) in the sink when no one is watching.. IT WAS SOOOOO DAMN FUNNY FUNNY!! den right.. we saw the changing room la... ( for baby =.=..) den we shut the door and poh gek stood on the chair there with 1 leg and place her foot on the sink.. LOL! (alright, it sound disgusting here but it was really really funny!!), becoz i keep saying wash your foot la. stand there and place your foot there la.. you liddat your foot will also still be dirty..
ERM , WAIT.. THIS POST IS TOO LONG LA... I STILL GOT PICTURES ONE LEH... PSPS HOR... IF YOU FALL ASLEEP =D blah blah blah then we take neoprints and go arcades la... ~~
Pictures time~~
the prizes I won =D Poh Gek present + Wen Xin bookmark =D Wen Xin Present Mei Qi present and her long essay =D Jasmine present (before) Jasmine present (after) and her SUPER DUPER LONG ESSAY Wrapping paper >.< ps.. I wanted to open nicely but... Jasmine + Xin Ni =D Jasmine ~
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fornication Under Consent of the King
Saturday, June 6, 2009
1. 跟你的另一半做至少一次的長途旅遊。
2. 一起去圖書館坐一個下午﹐看自己的書﹐不要跟對方交談﹐出來之後再聊。
3. 做一頓燭光晚餐。不管你洗菜還是他切菜﹐或是你切菜他炒菜﹐開一瓶紅酒﹐不用急著洗碗。
4. 一起買一個玩偶﹐給它取個名字﹐旅行時永遠帶著它。
5. 跟你的另一半去夜店﹐假裝不認識﹐彼此搭訕﹐不准笑場。
6. 去看彼此小時候長大的地方。
7. 趁著有流星雨時上山頭許個願。
8. 去一個孤兒院或療養院﹐兩人一起做個捐款﹐不需要署名。
9. 一起照顧一盆植物或是一個小動物。
10. 在對方面前放個響屁。假如你辦不到﹐很難走一輩子。
我決定放十個響屁來代替 ~~
語言轉換術 (討厭~~人家不來了啦♥ 篇).
Friday, June 5, 2009
(>10s =D) 可怕的語言轉換術!!
啊♥ 你在幹嘛啦♥ 你這個壞蛋♥
老闆!! 來一碗蚵仔麵線!!
老闆♥ 來一碗蚵仔麵線♥
不要鬧啦!! 很癢耶!!
不要鬧啦♥ 很癢耶♥
(不要問我是什麼 ♥)
吼♥ 我不要吃香蕉啦♥
來追我阿!! 笨蛋!!
來追我阿♥ 笨蛋♥
給你個雞蛋糕!! 再送你根蕃仔火!!
給你個雞蛋糕♥ 再送你根蕃仔火♥
龜派氣功!! 去死吧,魔人普烏!!
龜派氣功♥ 去死吧,魔人普烏♥
Happy? update liao =D
P.S. Jasmine, you didn't say what language or can use traditional chinese or not wat =D HAHAHAHAHA !
I bet most of you here dun understand =D especially the last one ^^ heh UPDATED!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Nothing to say actually... Don't really feel like blogging or saying anything but feel that if I don't update, my blog will going to be seriously dead lol...
Anyway.. jy Andost for IBM ,PJ and Andost for FISM (make Taiwan proud! =D)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I won't be mentioning the small stuffs in between =D
Day 1 (7.30am reached school-11.45pm lights off)
PT>>Drills>>Lunch>>Lecture>>Dinner&Bathe time>>Camp craft>>Light off
Day 2 (6.30am fall in-2.45am lights off)
PT>>Breakfast>>Camp craft (for girls)/Drills(for guys)>>Lunch>>Drills>>Dinner&Bathe time>>Camp fire>>Stories telling (Ghost stories btw)>>Night walk Day 3 ( 6.30am fall in-11.30pm dismiss)
The night walk is ok la.. Walk with a Sec 2 (in pairs)..Every night walk (according to my sec 2 partner), every girls must be accompany by a male..(because of something la.. he didn't had the chance to talk me about the stories lol)..
Hamizah that pairs damn slow.. We keep waiting for them.. all the thrills gone liao coz we know where scary at the checkpoint there...there is one point where we four do some checkpoints together but the IC separated us ...No picture sorry.. We surrendered all the phones and torchlights too..
the first one for the night walk is damn funny.. .. i remembered that we walk through a narrow footpath la.. no lights there.. (we dun have any torchelights so it is very dark)then i walk behind ..Something is like on the floor la but we didn't really care then he stepped on it.. then suddenly it jump and shouted.. LOL.. DAMN FUNNY LA.. tried very hard to suppress the laughter that time, I managed to catch a glimpse of the seniors only.. so dunnoe which one =.=".. we had to move on and cannot look back..(btw, he is suppose to scare us by shouting lol)
the scariest for me is the famous and lengendary L-shaped toilet la..because almost all the stories about the school is revolving around it...the 2 seniors at the checkpoint told us more stories about it somemore zzz.. PURPOSELY ONE LA..We had to take the lightstick very close to the toilet..we had to find the clues (papers around it) which had numbers on it which is the answer for the lock..
Here is the picture of the L shaped toilet..(in the day la of course =.=..), I found it on a blog of an unknown senior
Now I am gonna share about this toilet, known popularly as the L Shaped Toilet. This female toilet's interior is shaped exactly like a L Shape. It's location gives it the creepiness and the vandalism on the mirror make it looks like a haunted toilet in the night. They say that when you knock on this door's toilet, you'll hear someone knocking back. Also, this toilet is normally locked. No one knows why. --Anonymous
bye my bed.. bye my pillow bye my blanket bye my room.. bye my mirror.. bye my hairdryer.. bye my brush.. bye my computer.. bye my laptops.. bye my bathroom.. bye my phone bye my tv..
bye everyone...i am going away from home.. bye my sweetie bed.. T.T.. MY BED MY BED! MY COMPUTER AND LAPTOPS.... bye my pillow T.T..
22/6 - 24/6.. the days in hell..
Keep this in mind...
Friday, June 19, 2009
O.o.. Posted 2 times today..♥ but this seriously reminds me of Sarah.. ♥ It looks like her handwriting ♥ haha.. bye~ ♥
Paparazzi lyrics.
We are the crowd,♥ We're c-coming out♥ Got my flash on it's true♥ Need that picture of you ♥ It's so magical♥ We'd be so fantastical♥
Leather and jeans a watch on my wrist, ♥ Not sure what it means,♥ But this photo of us ♥ It don't have a price♥ Ready for those flashing lights,♥ Cause you know that baby i ♥
Im your biggest fan ♥ I'll follow you until you love me♥ Papa-paparazzi,♥ Baby there's no other superstar♥ You know that i'll be your ♥ Papa-paparazzi♥
Promise i'll be kind,♥ But i won't stop until that boy is mine♥ Baby you'll be famous ♥ Chase you down until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
I'll be your girl ♥ Backstage at your show, ♥ Velvet ropes and guitars, ♥ Yeah cause you'll know ♥ I'm staring between the sets ♥ Eyeliner and cigarettes ♥
Shadow is burnt ♥ Yellow dance and return ♥ My lashes are dry ♥ But with teardrops I cry ♥ It don't have a price ♥ Loving you is cherry pie ♥ 'Cause you know that baby I ♥
Im your biggest fan ♥ I'll follow you until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi, ♥ Baby there's no other superstar ♥ You know that i'll be your ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
Promise i'll be kind, ♥ But i won't stop until that boy is mine ♥ Baby you'll be famous ♥ Chase you down until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
Real good ♥ We dance in the studio ♥ Snap, snapped ♥ That sssss on the radio ♥
Don't stop boy, rewind ♥ We'll blast it but we'll still have fun! ♥
Im your biggest fan ♥ I'll follow you until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi, ♥ Baby there's no other superstar ♥ You know that i'll be your ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
Promise i'll be kind, ♥ But i won't stop until that boy is mine ♥ Baby you'll be famous ♥ Chase you down until you love me ♥ Papa-paparazzi ♥
Why am I writing the lyrics eh? ♥ BECAUSE, I AM DAMN FREAKING BORED! ♥ Next time it will be 'Beautiful Dirty Rich' or♥ 'Lovegames'! Cheers~♥ M5 yesterday aired in Taiwan BUT ♥ STILL HAVEN'T UPLOADED TO INTERNET YET T.T...♥ *Sigh*...I want to watch, WANT TO WATCH! ♥ What/Who is M5? Don't tell you =p ♥
It is another story for another time ♥ haha ♥ okay.. ♥ fine.. ♥ bye! ♥
I am who I am.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I ♥ myself ♥ I AM WHO I AM.♥ I do what makes♥ ME happy♥ I live for ME and NOT YOU♥ YOU may not agree♥ with ME...♥ but I'm not seeking for♥ YOUR approval♥ I'm happy with♥ all that I am♥
♥What confuse ME is that, why are YOU so 'concern' about ME... ♥FYI, I'm not angry, and definitely not. ♥So what if I act in any manners, does that even concern YOU? ♥Do I make YOU lose face, money or whatever? ♥We aren't related in anyway, so why are YOU concerned?
Just to get this clear, I AREN'T ANGRY, I was just puzzled that's all...♥ If YOUR aim is to get ME angry, I am SO SORRY ♥ I wouldn't get upset by this sort of minor stuff ♥ Getting angry over a person is silly,♥ they won't feel anything, but you are the one who is unhappy(upset)♥
Good Luck with your aim!♥ I am off to read M5/LIAR 's blog~♥ Oh! Who is M5/LIAR? ♥ Another story for another time haha!~♥
GRRRR!!! FORGOT TO UPDATE BLOG EVERYDAY!~~~~♥ NVM, maybe I should learn from them...♥ Write a novel on your blog ~♥ So that can remind yourself to update blog~♥ See I so clever~♥
Erm.. wait.. what is with the '♥' again? ♥ haha ♥ okay... ♥ It is fun! ♥ Writing with a heart behind ♥ haha ♥ okay.. ♥ fine... ♥ BYE! ♥
Road Safety Training.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
chaii... victoria and jasmine were like telling me to update, so i update liaolor.. happy? =D
today road safety training was like .... shiterm... it was SO DAMN BORED!!...that guy was like keep talking ... talking... talking... AND TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... then Victoria and me gone mad D: Victoria was asking me.. what is boredom? (something like that o.O) I said that boredom is when you are in a room with 4 walls and you have nothing to do except eating yourself or banging your head against the wall... then she bite her fingers~
here is the video~~~
lalalala~ and we had the test... THE TEST IS LIKE................... SO DAMN EASY =.=.. EVEN IF I NEVER LISTEN TO THE LECTURE ALSO CAN 10/10..
I pity Benjamin luhhs... the last NP he didn't come so he didn't get the letter so he didn't come today too... HE WILL ALWAYS REMAIN A CADET LOL!! evil me =D MUHAHAHAHA
Lady Gaga True sex?.
Friday, June 12, 2009
I was lmao-ing while watching this video... STOP MY PLAYLIST NOW!! the slow version of 'just dance' and the pictures there don't proof anything at all.. I was laughing so much that I can die from laughter ,LOL...
*calm down*
Here is the real stuff I wanted to say today.
I found this from a web... 'Proof that Lady Gaga isn't a man' or had a sex change. There has been many rumors that Lady Gaga is a man who cross-dress and rumors about lady Gaga having a sex change.. like the one in the video above.. So, what does this picture means? see the arrow? saw the string? yup, it is the string of a tampon ..and it suggest that she has a menstrual flow.. so.. she is a she..
I found it on internet again =D .. it says that the lump.. you see... (btw, what an ugly pose and make-up =.=...) is a... p-e-n-i-s... yup.. a dick.. thats what they said.. but it seemed more like a sanitary pads to me.. For those who really think that it is a d-i-c-k.. go watch poker face MV.. she is wearing tight clothes but there isn't any lumps at all..
Lady Gaga.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
STOP MY PLAYLIST NOW! cool video! really cool! =D I like the idea having lady gaga face on the money =D It is more like a work of art.. ^^
Xin Ni.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
heh... as you see, these are Xin Ni's presents =D I love the bookmark!! =D I wanted to buy it last time but Xin Ni was unwilling to go to Little India to buy it again .. ( she had one ).. and btw, what is with the key chains? why give me 2 of them? 1 is for guys and the other is for girls =.=.. are you trying to imply something? =D
Best reunion.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Mei Qi
Xin Ni
Hui Ling
Poh Gek
Wen Xin
Jasmine... my enemy forever =D
Basically.. everyone who came? haha At first, my mood is quite bad la... COZ... I 8.58 AM WAKE UP SIA...KILL ME LA.. Then,me,Xin Ni and Hui Ling went to boon keng MRT together... den huiling help me top up =D We was abit.. ABIT late la (about 2 min or more, LOL) den i called jasmine.. who is the easiest to cheat =D (btw,we hid behind a fat pillar XD) M=duhhs.. ME LA.. J=that idiot , my enemy JASMINE
M: "oi jasmine, Xin Ni, Hui Ling and I not coming liao hor... " J: "?? why?" M: "*chuckle* because...WHEN WE WERE HERE , WE SAW YOUR STUPID FACE *chuckle again* DEN WE DON'T WANT TO GO LIAO!" Xin Ni and Mei Qi were laughing too o.o.. J: "really anot??????" then a train is approaching got some sort of announcement so I quickly hang the phone =D
I told Xin Ni to go to Jasmine they all there haha.. it was damn damn damn funny!! We went to the foodcourt first.. coz Xin Ni keep complaining ... O.O".... (BUT...11 something leh.. still full lor..) I am the 1st to finish so I boliao go and mix the chicken soup with green tea.. and many unknown ingredient.. den Xin Ni wanted to add the watermelon skin but the bowl toppled and dripped onto poh gek foot LOL!! Hui Ling, me and pohgek go to the toilet la.. den she washed her shoe (her shoe is waterproof btw) in the sink when no one is watching.. IT WAS SOOOOO DAMN FUNNY FUNNY!! den right.. we saw the changing room la... ( for baby =.=..) den we shut the door and poh gek stood on the chair there with 1 leg and place her foot on the sink.. LOL! (alright, it sound disgusting here but it was really really funny!!), becoz i keep saying wash your foot la. stand there and place your foot there la.. you liddat your foot will also still be dirty..
ERM , WAIT.. THIS POST IS TOO LONG LA... I STILL GOT PICTURES ONE LEH... PSPS HOR... IF YOU FALL ASLEEP =D blah blah blah then we take neoprints and go arcades la... ~~
Pictures time~~
the prizes I won =D Poh Gek present + Wen Xin bookmark =D Wen Xin Present Mei Qi present and her long essay =D Jasmine present (before) Jasmine present (after) and her SUPER DUPER LONG ESSAY Wrapping paper >.< ps.. I wanted to open nicely but... Jasmine + Xin Ni =D Jasmine ~
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fornication Under Consent of the King
Saturday, June 6, 2009
1. 跟你的另一半做至少一次的長途旅遊。
2. 一起去圖書館坐一個下午﹐看自己的書﹐不要跟對方交談﹐出來之後再聊。
3. 做一頓燭光晚餐。不管你洗菜還是他切菜﹐或是你切菜他炒菜﹐開一瓶紅酒﹐不用急著洗碗。
4. 一起買一個玩偶﹐給它取個名字﹐旅行時永遠帶著它。
5. 跟你的另一半去夜店﹐假裝不認識﹐彼此搭訕﹐不准笑場。
6. 去看彼此小時候長大的地方。
7. 趁著有流星雨時上山頭許個願。
8. 去一個孤兒院或療養院﹐兩人一起做個捐款﹐不需要署名。
9. 一起照顧一盆植物或是一個小動物。
10. 在對方面前放個響屁。假如你辦不到﹐很難走一輩子。
我決定放十個響屁來代替 ~~
語言轉換術 (討厭~~人家不來了啦♥ 篇).
Friday, June 5, 2009
(>10s =D) 可怕的語言轉換術!!
啊♥ 你在幹嘛啦♥ 你這個壞蛋♥
老闆!! 來一碗蚵仔麵線!!
老闆♥ 來一碗蚵仔麵線♥
不要鬧啦!! 很癢耶!!
不要鬧啦♥ 很癢耶♥
(不要問我是什麼 ♥)
吼♥ 我不要吃香蕉啦♥
來追我阿!! 笨蛋!!
來追我阿♥ 笨蛋♥
給你個雞蛋糕!! 再送你根蕃仔火!!
給你個雞蛋糕♥ 再送你根蕃仔火♥
龜派氣功!! 去死吧,魔人普烏!!
龜派氣功♥ 去死吧,魔人普烏♥
Happy? update liao =D
P.S. Jasmine, you didn't say what language or can use traditional chinese or not wat =D HAHAHAHAHA !
I bet most of you here dun understand =D especially the last one ^^ heh UPDATED!!
anyway, This fellow is definitely100%boy.
"After all, justice in this world is just a bunch of principles made by those with power to suit themselves.
No one really thinks of others, you will lose everything if you can't keep up.
Only two kinds of people exist in this world,
those who steal and those who are stolen from."
- A friend would lend you an umbrella in the rain, but a true friend would take yours & scream "RUN, B*TCH, RUN!!" - I will be the one stealing your umbrella =D