
"The prey is deceived with sweet words and dragged into darkness. To not notice the Demon's concealed power...Skillfully. Sweetly. Quietly"
Yes, my lord.

"Lord to isshi de tsukure~ tsukure~ tsukure~
Lord to isshi de tsukure~ My Fair Lady~
My heart had hardened and my tears were dried,
just cut my strings and set me free...

"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Thursday, April 30, 2009

haha... wonder why they like to make fun of "gimme more" o.O enjoy~~

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Quote from JASMINE 's post

"Hmm... seriously... how i wish there is 30hrs a day..."

who doesn't? and seriously... 30 hours are also TOO SHORT... thats why there is a phrase

"life is like ice cream.....enjoy it before it melts....."

and also... I dun understand why JASMINE like to study o.O.... Quote from our science teacher =D (some part isn't the same duhhs...)
"you understand doesn't mean that you remember (so you you need to write down to revise and blah blah blah),you study doesn't mean that you will score well in exam"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

alright, izzit me or what?... when I started reading VK manga and borrowing it from Khalisah, many people started to read it too o.O... it started with me borrowing volume 5 (i think so... SHORT MEMORY LA..) den Dawn also started reading.... and Angelica also started reading... den Khalisah wanted to read VK again~ izzit good or bad? o.O more fangirls of VK!!!


calm down Shu En~ science quiz and literature test ( OMG! I DUN WAN TO FAIL LIT AGAIN !) tomorrow... SHAME ON YOU! didn't even open my school bag till now =.=... spent the whole day using comp~~ OF COURSE, WATCHING ANIME!!

hmm.. currently watching the anime of Death Note, it is about same as the movie thou... AND BTW DAWN, REAL L IS CUTER DEN ANIME L!!!!!! =D but anime L oso kawaii la... however Angelica said that she don't like Death note anime ( T.T ) ... feel like watching all Death Note movie (YUP, ALL OF THEM) and VK ANIME again~maybe I should made a plan. When I finished Death Note anime (and the animeSS on my list) , I read VK manga , den watch DN movie , den watch VK anime and lastly FINAL FANTASY!!~ PLEASE DON'T TELL ME ANYMORE GOOD ANIME , PLEASE ! I HAVE TOO MANY ON MY LIST AND I HAVEN'T EVEN WATCHED MOST OF THEM!
MAL (my anime list =.=...)&plan:

-Vampire Knight Manga (again) [pending]
-DEATH NOTE =D Anime~ (yipee) [pending]
-Lucky star (childish, but KAWAII CHARACTERS!)
-Detective academy Q ( Highly recommended by Hui Ling and Xin Ni o.O)
-Ghost in the shell (sounded nice o.O)
-Death Note Movies [3]: -Death Note -The Last Name -L change the WorLd (again)
-Final Fantasy Movies ( ALL , YUP ALLLLLLLLLLLL!!) I forgotten how many are there =.=...(again)
-Vampire Knight (Guilty)-- (again)

Oops! Forgot to add Shugo Chara on my list.. Shugo Chara weekly o.O (1 ep per week..GRR!) and waiting for vol.8 chapters to be out~~

blah blah.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Changed songs =D... some of you may not find it nice.. 2 random songs from vampire knight and 1 from Ashley Tisdale =D
Alright,I HATE MY BROTHERS... WHY CAN'T THEY JUST DIE?! I only managed to upload one picture =( sorry~ my stupid brother wanted to use the desktop

Dawn on the left and Raphael on the right ( in case you forgotten how they looked like ,lol)

Picture taken in Mac Donald =D thanks Dawn for paying the taxi fares to mac ~
sweet couple,eh? oops =D

blah blah blah , after lunch , we went back to the stadium~
Let's cut short =( no time left need to study~( jasmine, don't be surprised, i veri hardworking one), at the stadium it was like so boring lor,den I put on my ear pieces and read my VK!! =D
after mass event (i think so), that HL milk was like using Ahmad's bag (think so) as a pillow and lie down. den i ask him why was he lying down, guess what was his reply?

Because I am too sexy.
den i was like diao and took a "nice" picture of him and he realised and chase after me for that picture. UNFORTUNATELY , that picture was deleted =( it was so damn funny.. zz..

blah blah blah~ one of the last event ( i think la, i senile =.=..) is the cheerleading~
Ahmad and JoJo was discussing about many things , like changing our school songs to womanizer . and the defination of nerd

A:do you noe that Varele Tan (art teacher) think completely opposite about ''nerd'' blah blah blah
J: lol
A:really, when she saw someone wearing ankle sock with 'tattoo' she go "WA! so nerd sia! ankle sock + tattoo" or " waa.. so nerd the skirt so short sia''
J: she is also housist o.O ( WHY IS SHE IN TAGORE? RAWR )
A: yala, when she saw ppl from other houses she will said ''OI! this is tagore you noe? go back to ur house !

grr.. gtg... need to finish up my homeworks =(

blah blah blah.
Monday, April 20, 2009

The assembly today was like... long as usual with some random person(lol) standing in front going blah blah blah and we become more and more boring + sleepy . after assembly, when we were walking to the stair, dawn randomly start a conversation
M=me! =D

D: I left my dog in my bag
M: *SHOCKED**thinking about calling SPCA* WHAT?! YOU LEFT YOUR DOG IN YOUR BAG?!
*cannot calm down* YOU LEFT YOUR DOG... IN YOUR BAG?! WHAT THE HECK?
D: NO la! I said , I let my dog eat my bread
M: zzzzzzzzzzz.. I tot you said you left your dog in your bag.. zz *laughing like mad*
M: you left your dog in your bag , you left your dog in your bag~~
D: my dog is so fat and cannot fit in my bag , k?

at home econ, I tot we cooking today den in the end we designed poster zzz... damn blur sia nowadays ... maybe because of manga? o.O anime? o.O facebook? o.O computer? o.O TV? o.O lazy?

SORRY! THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY LAPTOP... CANNOT UPLOAD PICTURES AND VIDEOS =( =( =( (my brothers are always using the computer , no worries) hai ya... I want to upload the pictures took duing sport day sia la.....

Just boring~.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm just boring~ =D nothing better to do!!~
Finished the book Khalisah lent me , ( AKA MANGA =D ) looking forward to volume 6 !

I wonder why Jasmine and Eileen are going mad because of tests o.O.... just relax and do the paper in front of you lor... and that Jasmine every time revise revise revise, study study study... What for? eh? What is important is you understand the concept , not memorize eh..
Sad news uhhs... ,maybe I 'learn' from Jasmine uhhs...MY ALGEBRA MATHS LEVEL TEST.. 16/25
when I get back my paper I was... wtf?... sad luhhs... I was quite confidence with this test, but the result was like...shit.the questions were like EASY lor... I TOT I WILL GET LIKE 18++ ...all careless zzz I HATE MYSELF !! lol .. =.=...when i get back my paper, i tried to do without teacher's explanation (in other words,ignoring Miss Heng..sorry =X),den i can do..zz

talking about homework... I still haven't touch my literature and science yet =.=.. NVM LA STILL GOT TIME,WHO CARES ABOUT THE SCIENCE QUIZ EH? LAST TIME NEVER STUDY ALSO PASS ( except for one la.... ) eating now uhhs... eating while typing... alright that was soo random...
Oh yea.. thanks Hui Ling for telling me such a nice anime ! I AM COMPLETELY AN ANIME AND MANGA FREAK =.=...CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THEM...argh.. I KNOW THAT TOO MUCH OF THEM DO NO GOOD...damn blur nowadays sia... only remember about characters' names and forgotten ALL ABOUT SCHOOL LUHHS.. history test on thursday...I TOT TOMORROW SIA LA...zz

My preference for animes =D (tell me if you saw animes like that) :





Sunday, April 12, 2009

Some funny videos from youtube~

how to be emo?

and some problem with my ex-playlist uhhs...

gimme more =D

the best gag ever!

K9 unit.
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some pictures taken in the K9 unit~~ Wanted to upload the video of Jasmine touching the doggy, but cannot seem to upload from my phone to the computer... PS LA JASMINE... ( I know, too little pictures eh? I HAVE DOZENS OF VIDEOS...T.T)

Beginning of the week.
Monday, April 6, 2009

In the morning....

...=.=... I noticed it when i was in my father's car just outside the school gate... I was recalling about what we have for Monday,then I was thinking of LONG ASSEMBLY..THEN suddenly remember need to bring tie... That time I was like 'oh shit'.Because my mother will always remind me about the tie, maybe I too dependent on my mother le...THEN U NOE WAT? ...THE TIE COST $8... lucky I collected $10 from my father before alighting =D.. It is just a green and yellow tie sia.... HOW COME SO EX? Then when I went up to class, I told Sze Min and Khalisah that I forgot to bring my tie... Then Sze Min said that Marin got extra tie,I was like WTF? wasted $8 for nothing?..but Marin isn't at class yet.LUCKILY,Marin also never bring her tie.. ( how can that be luckily lol?? I so evil =.=..) thats means that I didn't buy that tie for nothing. It was also kind of funny... me and Marin didn't br0ught our ties and plus the ones we brought today, we have 3 ties each! hurray lol... I am lame =.=...

I suggested one thing... since the tie is so EX and I have so many ties...why not I bring 3 of them to school on Monday everyday and let people 'rent' it for $1 until recess if they didn't bring their ties... CLEVER HOR? MONEY-MAKER =D

~During lesson time~

Alright, this is actually nothing important duhhs... during lesson time, Angelica told me that we got essay today..Then I was like WHAT?! ESSAY!? I tot we wrote one not long ago? and we were having our spelling today..Then, when it was english, I asked Angelica which theme we should learn for spelling,then she says 'Saying words' So,I learn it when we were standing while Miss Tan was going 'blah blah blah' and the others were talking... IN THE END, WE DIDN'T HAVE ESSAY OR SPELLING FOR TODAY, IT IS POSTPONED TO TOMORROW, AND I LEARNT THE WRONG THEME...IT IS SHOULD BE THE OTHER THEME.. =.=... and the essay I mentioned is actually a recount =.=... ~

After school...

IT RAINED!! WHY DON'T IT RAIN EARLIER OR LATER? MUST BE WHEN WE DISMISS?! HUH?!DAMN UNLUCKY LOR... NEVER BRING UMBRELLA SOMEMORE SIA... THEN I CALLED JASMINE, SHE NOT WILLING TO COME OVER TO THE BUS STOP OVER TKSS...Then I keep begging her until she agreed...BUT, I waited for her so long but still that girl still haven't come... =.=... Then,coincidentally I saw my NP friend... HE ( yup it is a HE) was walking to that TKGS bus stop also with AN UMBRELLA ... then I no choice lor.. share with him... DAMN PAISEH SIA... HIS FRIEND WAS IN FRONT OF US... =.=.. IT WILL NEVER GOING TO HAPPENED AGAIN, I GOING TO BRING MY UMBRELLA EVERYDAY NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENED...

P O E M S~.
Sunday, April 5, 2009

My poems~


TOTAL: 38/50

Remarks:There is a good mix of serious and not-so-serious pieces here. You have shown good ability and maturity!

~Very good liao lor... for me la =D AND, I DO ALL THE POEMS LAST MINUTE LEH...1 DAY WROTE 6 POEMS AND I WROTE 2 BEFORE HANDING IN... PRO ? lol =D PS: Some people took dunnoe how many days still get lower then me, I counted very good liao hor =.=..~.
Let me share some of my poems i wrote~

Map Mad

There was a man,
who thought that the Earth is as small as the world map
which doesn't make any sense at all.
When he wanted to go to a country,
he will spread out the map on the floor,
and "jump on" that country.

Contribution of Man (Haiku)

Human Creations,
factories,release pollutants,
polluting the air.

Observe the water,
wondering what had happened?
It's the deed of man.

Watch the pyramid,
see how it will be destroyed
by the acid rain.

The style of Life (Repetition)

Life continues it cycle everyday,
repeating the history with
the repetition of more
more newborn
more population
more conflicts
more diseases
more wars
more death
more peace

~Maybe some of the readers who know me well thinks that I copy from internet(I know they aren't good),but they really came 100% from me... I SO PROUD OF THEM =D =.="'~



'Heartful Song' is from SHUGO CHARA! MUST WATCH!


Alone on an empty stage
The curtain falls on my dream
And I realize that

Like yesterday, tomorrow
Will never come again
The final scene is always
Painful and beautiful but
I will dry my tears and open the door...

I am born again
Courage grows with me
So I am no longer afraid

My heartful song...
My heartful song...

I will sing it forever
In my hope of it reaching you


Daremo inai STAGE
Yume no jikan wa mo wo maku na oriteuku
Kino wo tou onagi
Asuwa nidoto ko naito
Kizu kuno
Naze toshina wa
Itsumo setsunaku
Utsukushii kedo
Namida fuite tobira tatakou...

Atarashii watashi ni
Umare kawaru yuuki wo
Nashite hazukashi garanai ne

My heartful song...
My heartful song...

Utau yo itsumademo
Anata ni todoki masu you ni

Hazukashii omouide ni
Yasashi saira mezameru
Youni sumaou ni na

My heartful song...
My heartful song...

Utau yo itsumademo
Anata ni todoki masu you ni...