
"The prey is deceived with sweet words and dragged into darkness. To not notice the Demon's concealed power...Skillfully. Sweetly. Quietly"
Yes, my lord.

"Lord to isshi de tsukure~ tsukure~ tsukure~
Lord to isshi de tsukure~ My Fair Lady~
My heart had hardened and my tears were dried,
just cut my strings and set me free...

"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
DEAD.. dun bother.
Friday, December 11, 2009

uhhhhhhhhhhhs dead blog uhhhhhhhhhssss..s.....s..ss..s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s..s.s.s..s.s.s.

love this song love this song love this song love this song =D

replying tags later uhhhhsss... dun feel like blogging or managing my blog anymore.. haiiz..

quiz tagged by the cutest lyj =D lol.

1.Are you single?: uh huh.
2.Are you happy?: sort of .
3.Are you bored?: kind of .
4.Are you fair?: should be.. depends.
5.Are you indian?: what do you think?=.=. of course not
6.Are you stupid?: maybe.
7.Are you honest?: duhhs.. i'm from 6honesty lehh.. lol
8.Are you irish?: no?>.<''
9.Are you nice?: if the other party is nice.
10.Are you asian?: yupppps.

Ten facts.

Full name: Lee Shu En :D
Nickname: AoD / Xiao En ._.''... / Lao Shu =.=''... / Puffy =D
Birthplace: Singapore.
Hair colour: Brown~
Hair style: Bob.. mushroom hair? short?
Eye colour: dark brown~
DOB: 9/6/1996 =D
Mood: Touchy
Favourite colour: uhhs.. i have over 16 million fav colours.. aka all the colours in the world =D
One place you wished to visit: My brain =D. weird... =.=..

Ten facts about your love.

1.Been in love?: uhhhhhs no =D
2,Believe in love in first sight?: yupp.......
3.Currently have a crush?: no.. should be o.o..
4.Hurt emotionally before?: not really
5.Broken someone's heart?: idk.
6.Have your heart broken?: no.
7.Like someone but kept in heart?: no O.O''..
8.Are you afraid of commitment?: nope.
9.Last person you hugged: MY ULTRA BIG BEAR =DD
10.Last person you said ILYs : hmm..... -skip-

This or That.

Love or lust: BOTH..ahem.. love =.=..
Cats or dogs: cats? =D
Best friends or regular friends: i dun believe in bfforever
Creamy or crunchy: crunchy~
Pencil or pen: PEN!~
Wild night out or romantic in: Wild night.
Money of happiness: both..can? =D
Night or day: niiiiiiiiight~
IM or phone: phone.

Have you ever.

Been caught sneaking out: nope.
Seen a polar bear: as in toy polar bear? yup =D *act dumb*
Done something you regret: duhhs.
Jumpin: ????? yupps.
Eat food that is on the floor?: NUIIIWAII! i dun even eat food on the table o.o..
Eat an entire Jaw breaker?: np.
Been caught naked: ahem... =.=... NO?!
Wanted bf back?: no o.o..
Cried because lost a person forever: no o.o..
Wanted to disappear: why not? =D

Preference of love.

Smile or eyes: eyes =D
Light or dark hair: both o.o..
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Shorter or taller: taller.
Intelligence or attraction: both.
Violent or pathetic: violent
Older or younger: hmm..both also can
Outgoing or quiet: hmm..both also can
Sweet or bad: hmm..both also can o.o..

Have you.

Performed in a large crowd?: duhhs?
Talk on the phone longer than a hour: duhhs?
A rock concert: no T.T.
Cheerleading team: NO WAY
Dance team: no.
Sports team: kind of
Drama play or production: sort of
Owned rich cars: not me.
In a rap video: No.

Last call you made: Danny =.=..
Hugged: bear?
Hung out: Cherie
Work: : i dun have a job o.o..
Talked to: my family???
You IM'ed: O.O?
Texted: dun bother to check =.=..
Movie: 2012 =D I WANT TO WATCH THAT DAMN NINJA ASSASSIN...! idc if it is bloody

Last person or thing you miss: my skin tone? is it counted? LOL

Tag 10 people to do the quiz.

1. Si jasmine D:
2. Khalisah =D
3. Poh Gek =D
4. Dawn D:
5. Jo Jo D:
6. Angela o.o..
7. Angelica o.o..
8. Victoria =D
9. Aurelia =D
10. Hui Ling =D